Evolvo Radix

Evolvo Radix
Conceptual Experiment pt.II



Graphic Design

Graphic Design
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Evolvo Radix - Concept - 2

Monday, May 31, 2010

Evolvo Radix – Concept 2 – weightless objects
Concept 2 is discussing objects/ buildings that sit on water, based on the laws of gravity and buoyancy.
As you all know from physics, buoyancy is the upward force, caused by fluid pressure, that keeps things afloat.

A static object that is subjected only to the force of gravity is floating on water as the force of gravity is balanced by the water upward buoyancy force, which is equal to the magnitude of the weight of water, or the resulting water pressure displaced by the object.
Of course, of importance is the relative mass of the object, its density and the density of the water, salt water vs fresh water for instance.

Of importance also is the stability of the floating object. Generally, the floating object should have vertical stability. If the object is inhabited by people, it will push down slightly, but the added weight is of such little increase in light of the total mass of the building, that this is of little physical consequence.
So, of greater importance is the rotational stability, or moment of inertia of the object.
Simply, the weight of the object acts as a force pushing down through its center of gravity. The object will be stable when the majority of the weight is pushed to it's extremities, which is away from the center of gravity, thus resisting any angular movement or rotation.

With all this said, our Evolvo Radix model is based on a simple object, which sits over a body of water, whose volume and weight is larger than the weight of the object to be able to compensate the slight changes of future live loads – fig. 1.

Beneath the object are the balance tanks, just like a submarine to control the relative buoyancy.
The purpose of the tanks is to allow for optimal pool water displacement by moving water in and out of the tanks through valves, which are controlled by electronic sensors, to keep the equilibrium between the buoyancy force and the mass of the object.
The placement of the tanks is carefully positioned so that it also helps with the stability of the building in regards to its weight displacement.

Living on the water pool could be a great experience. You can have a boat garage, instead of a car one. You can walk over water as your patio can be part of the object sitting on the water and even flush with the water surface as we control the vertical movement and can precisely adjust the location of the object versus the level of the water surface.

Going further, as mentioned before, you can submerge the object and have the experience of being in an aquarium. Especially when having a party.

Someone will ask – how can you stay self sustained. This is easy – water tanks with potable water on the roof and solar panels on the roof as well. The solar panels will produce electricity. The water from the pool can be treated and used for the basics in the house.

A question comes about the waste – all waste water and heavy waste can be collected, treated and reused in green house gardens that are part of the floating object.

In a way, independent, self-sufficient eco system that can keep the object physically detached from the grounds around the water pool, allowing its utilization even in a larger body of water.

One more example, click to enlarge.